Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12 - A Treat

I didn't think I would find this particular prompt difficult but even knowing about it all day it ended up sneaking on me at the very end of my day. I often do things for others and often have others do things for me; however, today seemed to be a passing and gossiping day more then anything.

I thought I would take a picture of the dinner my husband made for us tonight - a wonderful steak with vegetables and pasta meal, however I was already finishing it when I realized I never took the picture. The thought of taking a pictures of my clean plate crossed my mind but I moved past that one as well.

It wasn't until I was in the middle of doing something for my daughter that took me a long time to do and was starting to frustrate me beyond measure that I suddenly realized I had it. The treat for the day. I was doing something I generally don't mind doing, playing with Legos; however, due to the fact that my husband encourages my daughter to throw every piece in the same bin without any organization it took me over an hour to make the piece she was asking me to make while I shifted through the seemingly thousands of small pieces. With so many different sets in her box I was getting ready to throw it across the room although I knew I was almost finished with it.

I also realized at that time that I really hated putting the pieces together when I couldn't find anything and that a toy, a past-time that should be enjoyable was made only frustrating because I couldn't find the piece I wanted when I wanted it. I almost pulled out a box of baggies and started sorting.

I am not a neat person but I have come to learn over the years that I have to see everything or nothing will get done. I need open shelves and boxes or projects would never happen. I need a system and priorities that my husband disagrees with to get the things I want done, done. I will let dishes slide because I would rather scan my daughters artwork and make a memory book. I will forget about laundry so I can sit and cuddle with my family on the couch and watch a movie. I will be lackadaisical about what is for dinner because I honestly couldn't care and my husband insists that every meal must include a meat when I could be happy with a salad so I struggle to make the meal.

I have become better over the years, getting rid of objects, trying various systems to try and find something that works for me. Scanning objects so I can then trash the original but 'have it' if I want it. I am fighting my border-line hoarding tendencies and can only hope that I will not pass these tendencies on to my daughter. I try to make sure she learns better habits and that I show her better habits and follow them myself. A daily struggle.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dorothy
    I just want to let you know how much I am enjoying reading your blog. I especially can relate to today's description of letting dishes slide, struggling to make dinner....that is so me! Thanks for sharing.
