Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 6 - My Workspace

My workspace is an 'in transition' piece.

I work from a laptop and although they are suppose to be portable - mine is no longer easily moved. It is over 5 years old and needs a new battery - one I am unwilling to spend the money for, so it must be plugged in at all times if I want it on.

Due to life events (and the fact that I'm a klutz) the screen was broken just after warranty - lasted a long time that way until a larger accident made it unsafe to work with and as it is usually the computer my daughter also uses - I removed all the broken glass from the monitor making that non-usable - so an external monitor is now required to view the screen.

I take a course that requires headphones to use, so now those are my main speakers (and apparently over the years my computer has 'forgotten' that it has speakers and other then a BEEP I cannot get sound to come from it anymore - go figure. I just gave up and always move the headphones too. Which works out just fine because when we get things working right I love to and would love to video conference with my friends and the headset has a mic on it.

I was given a wireless mouse from a friend of mine years ago - love it, use it, it must move with the laptop. Plus, with the monitor not working anymore why they hell would I open the notebook to stare at an empty screen and use the finger mousepad on the keyboard??

Next - pretty much due to that above fact - I have a keyboard also plugged into the laptop.

This is a lot of paraphernalia to drag around so usually the computer sits in my office/craft room/disaster zone. However, it's cold here - Yes, it gets cold in the desert and you may scoff at me with snow sitting out your window while I can go outside in the afternoon in a pair of shorts, (saw two men running today in short jogging shorts and nothing else and wished they were cuter to be worth watching - at least they were tan! - Anyway I digress...) When you are used to 90 degrees - 64 feels pretty darn chilly. Add to that, you are inside your house and it is 64.. BRRRRR - and my craft room while comfortable in the summer is freezing in the winter.

So, I moved my set-up to one of our couch side tables and was all nice and cozy in the living room near the fire -- AHHHhhh bliss. Fire, T.V., my family, my computer - what else can a computer junkie ask for!!

Then bring on the scanning art project of 2010. This is the way I spend my New Years Day - scanning the art work my daughter has created over the previous year (this year I am already at over 70 pieces scanned and not done yet!!!) Then I create a photo book (oops, sorry digressing again!!)

Anyway, I need the scanner - which is in my husband's office - so this shot is of my little ole couch side table - housing my computer between my husbands desk and the scanner so I can get my stuff done!

Since part of this project for me is to look at myself within these photos, I have to wonder what that says about me. I like to think that it means I am adaptable to the many circumstances that life can throw at you and that I can work well with the things I've been given. I like to think it shows a positive side of who I am - yup, I think I'll go with that!!

From 365 Challenge - Gotta Pixel

1 comment:

  1. Motivation is a wonderful thing. It is amazing what we can do when we really want to. You go girl. Thanks for sharing!
