Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 4 - Yourself

My first thought was, to be honest, "Oh Shit!" I hate, really HATE pictures of myself. For a moment there I wondered what I was doing avoiding pictures of my daughter - couldn't I fudge it for this one prompt/idea? I dreaded coming home to get this picture done. I stuck around talking to my boss at work, waited for my daughter to realize I was there to pick her up, sat and talked with another boss - I was able to make those last minutes of work stretch into half an hour.

I was conflicted, I wanted to go home and see my husband before he left for his 2nd job. I wanted to go home and start on the projects I had waiting. I wanted to go home, change clothes and relax. I did NOT want to take a picture of myself.

Some thoughts were pure vanity - should my hair be up or down; should I wear my glasses or my contacts; should I do my hair; should I put on makeup; should I change out of my work clothes; should I shower first?

I ended up taking five pictures of myself - and even for a moment thought of doing a four in one shot showing me in various manners. I ended up not doing that because 1: I did not want to ask my husband to take my picture and to get more then just my forehead in each quarter I would need his help; 2: well reason one is pretty much all there was... my husband would think I had lost it and I didn't want to deal with that.

I took pictures of myself exactly as I look at work - hair pulled back, glasses on, and no makeup. I work with kids and spend my day running around and getting up and down - no need for most of that and I'm usually to tired in the morning to put in my contacts.

I took my hair down, I took off my glasses, I looked down at the camera, I looked up at the camera, I tried to remember to smile. Five pictures and I'm not happy with any of them. Nope... not at all!

One looked blurry, one looked like I had just bitten a lemon, one looked stark (and makes me rethink the whole ponytail for work thing!), and well I just don't like how I look in the other two - I did mention I hate being in pictures right? As most people I can see what is wrong with me. So, I look closer and what I see in this photo, is a woman who is laughing at herself for being so stupid and silly about a picture. I see a woman who seems to be restraining her laughter.

I see me.

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