Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 15 - I'm Pretty

I don't really do my nails, wear makeup, or do my hair. This is not something I enjoyed as a teenage girl and would rather get going in the morning as an adult woman. I often wonder how 'female' that makes me.

Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy dressing up every once in awhile but putting on makeup and doing my hair every morning is SO NOT going to happen. I am not a morning person and feel only the desire to get dressed and leave to get started on the things I need to do that day.

I often don't even wear my contacts every day because this is an extra step in the morning. I use contacts I can sleep in to help avoid this issue but since they often get dried out and leave bags under my eyes I often avoid this as well.

Because of this I decided to take a picture of something that is along the lines of "Spa Day", a nice long soak with water, candles, a book, and a tub full of hot water. The results usually leaving me feeling relaxed and feeling "pretty."

To top it off, a locked door ensures that my husband has to deal with any issues and nobody gets to bother me. What could be better?

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